Good Topics for Research Papers for High School

The real advantage of tackling research paper writing in high school is that it teaches the student many skills which can be used throughout their education including college and also in life after schooling. Research paper writing teaches the basics such as:

  • Selection of the right topic
  • Finding and notating material from research
  • Planning the entire paper
  • Writing first and second drafts
  • Editing and proofreading

All of the above skills are required in creating a quality research paper. And to make the task even easier, or should that be appealing, is the fact that there are so many good topics available. Here is a selection of some excellent research paper topics collected by professional writers:

  1. With terrorism and viruses threatening citizens, what should customs and police do at airports?
  2. If people are killed by terrorists, should the families of victims receive compensation?
  3. When should talented students receive scholarships in school?
  4. What is wrong with controversial pieces of art?
  5. Why is censorship important?
  6. What place do beauty quests have in the world today?
  7. How can bullying be prevented?
  8. The government would save a fortune by making illegal drugs legal.
  9. Why has mainstream religion become less popular in many countries?
  10. Junk food should be banned from all schools.

One of the most interesting things about the topics above is that they can be expanded in so many ways. It is always a good idea to avoid choosing a so-called good topic if the world and its mother has already written about it. But if you take a popular topic and write about it from an unusual or unique angle, you could be on to something special.

Remember too broad a topic will not work or work very well. Narrow the focus of your topic to allow yourself the opportunity to seriously research and write about the topic. Brainstorming is another great idea. Take a word or words about a subject and then brainstorm that information for a minute or three. You will be surprised at the number and range of ideas which you can create.

Of course the best topics mean nothing unless you follow the tried and tested steps of proper research paper writing. Of course the right topic is hugely important but unless you follow the creation steps of proper research, planning and two drafts, you will not have the best possible research paper.

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Posted by July 22nd, 2021