Research paper tips: never skip proofreading

It is not uncommon that students often get average grades in exams despite of performing at their best level. They work hard, prepare for exams and give the best shot in exams. But it is really disappointing when result lies within the average scores. Same can happen to researchers as well. When writing research paper, the most neglected part of the process is proofreading. Proofreading follows completion of your research paper. The purpose for proofreading is to correct the mistakes that you unconsciously make. There are many tips for writing the best research paper. These tips include time management, proper data collection, following established manual and standard format etc. One of the most important tips in research paper writing is proofreading.

What are the benefits of proofreading?

Proofreading allows you to revisit your style of writing. It enables you to review your structure and format. You can check whether you have written all the references according to standard format of referencing or not. Proofreading is also important because while writing, we make small unnoticeable mistakes which are, of course, not unnoticeable for the examiner. So it prevents unexpected errors in your research paper. There are many tips on how to proofread your research paper. A few of them are listed below

  1. Spellchecker is sometimes not enough. Manual proofreading allows seeing mistakes which spellchecker does not.
  2. Do not start proofreading right after finishing the work. Give yourself some time before you start proofreading. Clear and relax your mind after you finish your work. Start proofreading with fresh mind.
  3. Before you start proofreading, it is useful to check your work with spellchecker once. There is no harm in checking your work twice. After you have done it, start proofreading.
  4. It is better to ask some good friend to proofread your work too. This is beneficial because you have gone through the draft so many times. Your eyes just pass through the mistakes and you never know. So, any other person, who is reading it for the first time, will do it better.
  5. It is highly recommended to proofread your work every time you make changes or make new draft. It will make your final copy cleaner and more organized.
  6. It is said that writing is an art while proofreading is its science. It eliminates chances of mistakes which break voice of the researcher. So, in order to save your voice, never forget to proofread your research paper.

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Posted by December 3rd, 2014