Term paper writing: summary and concluding discussion

Putting together the summary and concluding discussion is vital if you want to convince the reader of something important or something that needed to be said in a new and interesting way. Do not overlook the important details of your paper.

Writing the summary and concluding discussion does not have to be difficult. All you have to do is keep it simple, straightforward and, well, conclusive… Attractiveness counts, so be sure to put as much time and effort into the summary or concluding discussion as you do into the other sections of your term paper. Try to avoid formulaic writing when piecing together your summary or concluding discussion. It is sometimes tempting to use stock images and phrases; but it is crucial that you avoid phrases that seem cliché, such as: “Therefore, we conclude that…”

So, what are the elements of a good summary or concluding discussion? To begin, summarize the main body of your work. Make a deduction based on findings and facts in the main body of your work. Do not be afraid to discuss your personal opinion on a given topic. Remember to answer a few questions, such as: What does the future hold? What is lacking? What is to be gained from your research as it pertains to your selected topic? What are the important figures and facts that went unmentioned in your main body?

Another way to look at the summary or concluding discussion is to be sure all objectives have been achieved through the writing of your paper and that you have accomplished what it is you had intended. Does the reader get a clear picture from your words? For the summary or concluding discussion, remember to be concise and bold in your statements. Vagueness is not a good characteristic in your work. Try to avoid statements that are too broad or too limiting. Offer up any and all recommendations, predictions, and solutions to possible problems being faced in your field of study.

The concluding discussion is a good place to wrap up any and all main points. It is best to see what others have done in your field. That way, you can choose the best options for what it is you truly need to say or suggest. Be sure your summary does not go off in an unexpected direction or tangent. Do not fall into the common trap of believing you can say any old thing you want. Instructors will likely mark off for disorganized or random thoughts, or statements that are not backed up with solid detail.

A good summary or concluding discussion reminds the reader of what they had read in previous sections and how it pertains to your overall objective. If you feel you must explain things further, remind your audience of the limitations you found along the way. Raise objections. Ask questions. Make it interesting for you and your reader.

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Posted by December 3rd, 2014